Love Questions

Paul answers love questions

Is it normal to argue in a relationship?

Ah, the sweet melody of love—accentuated by the occasional off-key argument. Think of it as a duet with a twist. In any relationship, disagreements are the seasoning that adds flavor to the romantic recipe.

Can long-distance relationships work?

Long-distance relationships: the ultimate test of love, trust, and Wi-Fi strength. It's like signing up for a marathon without knowing the distance. Yes, they can work, but only if you're ready to run the extra mile—literally.

Should you stay friends with your ex?

Breaking up is hard, but deciding whether to be friends with your ex is like choosing between a rock and a hard place. Staying friends can be a heartwarming journey of shared memories and inside jokes.

Is it possible to fall in love at first sight?

Love at first sight: the stuff of fairy tales or a plot twist in a romantic comedy? Some say it's the universe's way of fast-tracking your love story; others think it's just strong coffee playing tricks on your heart.

Can you be in love with two people at the same time?

Ah, the classic romantic dilemma—love triangles, the spicy jalapeños of relationships. Can you be in love with two people simultaneously? It's like juggling emotions, and trust me, emotional juggling isn't as glamorous as it sounds.

Will I find my soulmate?

The joy of finding your soulmate is like discovering a missing piece of yourself, filling your heart with an overwhelming sense of completeness and love. But will you ever find your soulmate?

Does he like me?

Not knowing the answer to the question ‘does he like me?’ feels like the worst kind of torture ever! Like... View article